
Best Tips To Reduce Hair Fall

Best tips to reduce hair fall – Are you fed up trying the chemical hair care products? Does your hair suffer a lot from hair fall? Well, now it is time to serves your hair with natural remedies. Because people often get to apply multiple ways to make their hair grow stronger. So, we at Pax Natural would like to inform you about the best tips to reduce hair fall.

 Best Tips To Reduce Hair Fall

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Well, I don’t’ think that there is any single person who hasn’t has a hair loss scare. At some point, we all have a deep fear that we might lose too much hair. Meanwhile, people often get stuck into false alarms, in short, the myths. But don’t panic. Time to dig through the cooking cabinet and make the most effective home remedies for hair loss. We at Pax Naturals will help you to find the best home remedies for hair fall and regrowth.

How to stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally?

Hair loss is one of the most common issues because we all have a hair fall. But a point where your need to panic is with the excessive hair fall. Importantly, most of the causes of heavy hair loss are due to nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, Thyroid issues, birth control pills, stress, and hair styling products. Through all these issues, you might experience from hall fall problem. Therefore, take a quick survey on the following essential tips that define how to stop hair loss naturally.


One of the best and effective natural home remedies for healthy hairs is Amla. This is an Indian Gooseberry that is enriched with the pure Vitamin C that helps to give strength to your hair follicles. Plus, it is one of the best natural hair loss treatments. Also, this natural remedy helps to prevent premature graying and make your hair shines great. For this you should:

  • Mix the amla powder and lime juice.
  • Apply the mixture over the scalp.
  • Wait for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with water.


Well, you know how much our hair needs protein. With a tough bearing that odor can be. But once you make your hair care routine with eggs, they will surely make your hair looks thicker. Further, a natural ingredient enriched with the goodness of sulfur, phosphorous, and protein. All such things are excellent and helpful for hair fall treatment.

  • You can mix one egg white with olive oil and honey.
  • Apply it over the scalp and hair roots.
  • Wait for 20 minutes and wash it off with shampoo and conditioners.

Green tea rinse

Yes, a single cup of green tea that makes your active every day can also make your hair deadlocks back in life. Green tea is known to be rich in catechins, which help to reduce dihydrotestosterone (DTH). Plus this home remedy can also fight with dandruff and prevent dry scalp. So, check out the way that how green tea rinse can help your hair at home.

  • Steep 2 to 3 tea bags in two cups of hot water.
  • Wait for them to cool down and gets in its color.
  • Pour the over your scalp and hair gently.
  • Massage your scalp and hair before rinsing it off.


Coconut, one of the most popular and common hair care remedies. But did you know that coconut milk contains a protein that helps to grow hair faster? Probably one of the best hair care natural remedies, you can take coconut milk to care for your scalp. So, massage your scalp with coconut oil 20 minutes before hair wash. Keep your head covered with a towel and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

  • In this way, you can make your hair grow faster and healthier.
  • This is the best home remedy to provide moisture to your hair scalp plus it prevents the breakage and split ends as well.

Healthy diet tips to reduce hair fall

Other than these you can apply licorice root, beetroot juice, yogurt, honey, and onion juice as well. Not just to stop hair fall but these essential remedies will also fight against germs, bacteria, and dandruff as well. Here, read more about the healthy diets that you need to take for strong hair growth internally.

  1. Spinach is often used for iron deficiencies and contains vitamin A, C, and protein.
  2. Carrots are great for hair thickness and contain vitamin A.
  3. Eggs have 68% protein to rebuild the damaged hair.
  4. Oats are rich in fiber, zinc, iron, and Omega-6 like fatty acids for stronger hair growth.
  5. Walnuts contain biotin, B vitamins like B1, B6, and B9, vitamin, and full of proteins to strengthen hair.

The bottom line

Therefore, these are some best natural remedies to answer how to prevent hair fall for females naturally. All these natural tips will help you a lot to care for your hair issues. Plus you need to focus one other essential like doing shampoo and conditioner in the right way. And having a well-balanced diet, exercise, and regular oiling will be far effective for your hairs.

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