
Top Benefits Of Melatonin

Top Benefits Of Melatonin – Melatonin is a body hormone secreted by the pineal gland in our brain. It is responsible for the regulation of the biological rhythms and helps one maintain a proper sleep-wake cycle. Besides this, melatonin has several health advantages. Not only it allows us to get a night of proper sleep but it also reduces restlessness and anxiety. In this blog, you’ll read about the Top Benefits of Melatonin

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The irregular sleeping patterns harm your daily lifestyle. Sleeping disorders such as insomnia, jet lag, etc. can lead to serious health-related issues. For this purpose, one can consume melatonin supplements. Reading below you’ll come to know about the health advantages of melatonin and melatonin-rich supplements.

Importance of Melatonin

According to health experts, everyone needs to get adequate sleep of 7 to 9 hours per day. However, today’s busy world is full of stress and worries. In their busy daily routine, people don’t get enough time to rest properly. Moreover, their job-related problems, relationship issues, etc. are all such factors that adversely affect their sleeping habits. In this case, one must ensure that their body can produce melatonin properly. If not, they can consume the melatonin dietary supplements. 

Melatonin contains several beneficial antioxidant properties. It produces relaxation and a calming effect on your brain. This is the reason why Melatonin is also known as the Sleep Hormone. An individual whose brain can produce melatonin effectively is always more likely to enjoy quality sleep. And getting sound sleep is itself a cure to various diseases and health-related problems.

Factors Affecting Melatonin Production

Not only melatonin gifts us a healthy sleep but it also refreshes our body and makes us feel energized throughout the day. Plus, melatonin plays an integral role in enhancing our memory capacity. However, several factors lead to decreased production of melatonin. These include:

  • Increased stress
  • Low exposure to direct sunlight
  • Excessive use of computers, mobiles, laptops, etc.
  • Working in night shifts
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Changed time zones
  • Jet Lag issues

Health Benefits of Melatonin

Healthy sleep is key to a healthy lifestyle. It allows you to concentrate on your daily life chores more perfectly. While we sleep, our body’s immune system repairs itself. Thus, an individual with a regular sleep-wake cycle has a strong immune system. Plus, melatonin helps lower down the anxiety levels.

Have a look at the Top Health Advantages of Melatonin listed below:

  • Has Amazing Antioxidizing Properties
  • Safeguards against cellular damage problems that result in aging, infertility, etc.
  • Boosts the Immune system
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Inhibits cell damage and protects mitochondria
  • Regulates Circadian rhythm and sleep-wake pattern
  • Effective in treating brain-related disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s
  • Reduces brain swelling and allows the brain to get a proper blood supply
  • Avoids Jet lag and several other sleeping disorders
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Helps you fight depression and anxiety

Besides this, melatonin keeps you safe against the threat of diabetes and heart problems. Furthermore, it improves eye health and avoids all eye-related issues like glaucoma, decreased eye pressure, etc. Melatonin is also good for our ears and effective in treating tinnitus.


According to a survey, nearly 30% of the total population in the world deals with sleep disorders. For this reason, one must intake a diet that boosts melatonin production in your brains. The recommended dietary allowance for daily melatonin intake ranges from 0.2mg to 5mg per day (depending on one’s health requirements). This increases the need for top-quality melatonin dietary supplements. 

These supplements provide your body with the amount of melatonin it requires. If you’re looking for the Best Melatonin Supplements in India, you can consider Pax Natural’s Melatonin Tablets. This melatonin supplement is 100% natural and keeps you safe from all types of sleep-related issues. Also, it safeguards you against autism and keeps you fresh and energized throughout the day. For more details about these best quality Melatonin tablets, click here

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